
Growth: Threads

Growth: Threads artworks are part of the Future Reflections generative art collection presented by Shiseido. The collection consists of 1,872 unique generative artworks created in partnership with leading contemporary artists, powered by Art Blocks Engine. Celebrating the parallel processes of generative, code-based art creation and the art and science of beauty product innovation, Future Reflections draws inspiration from Shiseido’s 150 years of Japanese heritage - past, present, and future - along with nutrient-rich ingredients in the brand’s Future Solution LX skincare collection.

The Growth: Threads artworks were created by Robert’s sophisticated growth algorithm, and emulate the growth of various seeds, specifically the material essence of the Legendary Enmei herb. Their rich use of iridescent color is juxtaposed with a background of patterns inspired by Japanese embroidery designed and generated by the artist.






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