Balance is a generative collaboration between Kelly Milligan and Amber Vittoria. This series nods to the ever-changing composition of harmony by leveraging Milligan's movement through code and Vittoria's colorful play on equilibrium.
Even though the composition is set upon mint, the collector can temporarily change the composition of the piece, further speaking to the idea of balance constantly moving.
Over the course of 2023, Milligan and Vittoria chatted about color, theory, and how to translate Vittoria's painted palette on screen in a textural way. The theme of balance is seen overtly in the composition, but also subtly in the use of gradients and color relationships, creating tension and stability. Every decision in this collection builds to the idea of finding, and changing, one's footing in life.
Display Notes
WebGL2 required. P3 color enabled in supported browsers. Supports a range of device sizes, with multi-touch support on touchscreen devices. Real-time interaction requires modern graphics hardware.
Creative Credits
matter-js: Copyright (c) Liam Brummitt and contributors (MIT License), spectral.js: Copyright (c) 2023 Ronald van Wijnen (MIT License), Oklab: Copyright (c) 2020 Björn Ottosson (MIT License), GLSL-Color-Functions: Copyright (c) 2022 Adam Lastowka (MIT License), tiny-artblocks: Copyright (c) 2017 Matt DesLauriers (MIT License), noise2d: Copyright (C) 2011 Ian McEwan, Ashima Arts (MIT License)
Artist Website
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