Eight a symbol of luck, fate, a cosmic slot machine. The I Ching gives a glimpse of the future & some traits allow you to draw your own art. Luck of the mint, art of the flip to explain the randomness of one’s unique traits. The fruit of the slots to the binary I Ching of 8 sides & planetary gender. These traits are in the art & in us. They might seem imperfect but their unique lucky combination give each a power no one else has. At least 12% of the profit is donated to CasaBrumar Foundation & Safe Space and other LGBTQ+ charities Space: stop/start, C: color, F: Faster, E: Slower, X: Stop/Reset/Start, ASWD: move symbol, 2 finger touch: stop, 1 finger drag: move
Display Notes
Optimal display is a mounted touch screen to allow viewers to interact with it. But a still image can be chosen and then printed on linen paper or on canvas.
Sales Notes
Dutch auction starting at 8Ξ with a 0.18Ξ resting price, reduced every 8 minutes as follows: 8 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0.618 > 0.38 > 0.18
Charitable Giving
12% of profit will be donated to Casa Brumar Foundation, Safe Space NOVA or The Gathering Place
Artist Website
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