
Life and Love and Nothing

Life and Love and Nothing is released as part of reGEN, a special charitable auction of generative art to raise funds for Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, curated by Alex Estorick and Foteini Valeonti in collaboration with The Giving Block.

This is an illustration of a wildfire burning through a cabin and the surrounding hillside, rendered stylistically with pen and paper in mind.

Once a year, the fire will ignite and burn until the cabin and the hillside are consumed. After burning, the cabin and the hillside will regenerate, and the cycle will start again.

The cabin represents a person, and the surrounding hillside their mind and memories.

The fire represents disease, burning through the person’s memories from the most recent and least established, through to the oldest and most ingrained.

My hope is that this can illustrate both the pain caused by disease and the beauty of the time we have to hold onto memories and loved ones.

Life is short, bodies degrade, houses burn. But, before that, there is life; there is love; there is creation – these things are beautiful.

Consider where you are placing your efforts. Pursue what is important. Take the time to see someone you love. Take the time to do something you love.

There’s only so much time.






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