'Art from code' demonstrates how art can emerge from code by drawing the actual source code on the screen as a starting point for a visual evolving artwork.
It also describes my practice, simply put, as I make art with code.
Two visual themes that become apparent during the animation are repetition and reflection. Repetition represents one of the most powerful concepts of computing: using iteration to get things done that are tedious without a computer. The reflections of shapes on the screen can be a metaphor for reflecting on the use of computers for art. Can the code be the art? Is the code even part of a visual output? The longer the animation continues, the more the font characters get obfuscated, until there is no trace left of the code.
Clicking on the screen will (un)pause the animation. When saving an output using the 's' key, a PNG file will be saved with the code embedded in the least significant bit of the image data.
This is art from code. But also code from art, as the source code can be retrieved from the image output.
Display Notes
Clicking on the screen can pause or unpause the animation. While the animation does stop at some point, clicking on the screen can make it continue for a long time.
Every aspect ratio renders a different artwork. So there are endless variations for every mint, and you can play with this by changing the window dimensions and reloading the work. A fixed width and height can be added as URL parameters, for example adding '?W=2400&H=1600' will mimic the thumbnail image rendered by ArtBlocks (and also every other choice where the width is 1.5x the height). If you like to watch a slower animation, you can add 'delay=1000' as a URL parameter. A value of 1000 will correspond with a second between two frames. 'frameCount=1' can be used to draw the font characters instantly, and a value of 10000 will mean it will take 10000 frames to draw the font, so it will draw it letter by letter. Press the 's' key to save a PNG file of the current canvas.
Creative Credits
The custom font is based on work by www.greweb.me
Sales Notes
This is an open edition with a fixed price.
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Art Blocks Studio
Jos Vromans
10000 unique artworks
Fixed price auction
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