The Field


369 unique artworks

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The field is a work inspired by the current trend in image synthesis made possible by machine learning technology. The latent spaces (the algorithmic structures that make AI image synthesis possible) can be seen as a part of our human collective unconsciousness; a hyper dimensional field of unlimited outcomes, inspired by our human symbols and language.

Exploring this new type of space, it sparked the idea of exploring the algorithmic essence of my own artworks. What would the structure behind my creative processes look like? What if I could visualize the algorithmic structures of my own mind that produced my artworks in the past?

These questions led me to The Field, a multidimensional machine hiding in my subconscious.


The first step to reach The Field, was to capture the algorithmic structure behind all my artworks. By compressing several hundred artworks from HyperHash, EnergySculpture, UltraWave & HashCrash into a 64X64 matrix, a noise image has been created. This was done by adding up all these works together.

This noise image I call The Generator was the starting point to explore possibilities for the creation of a new work. This 64x64 matrix filled with noise data was embedded in the source of the piece and functions as the core of The Field algorithm.


The Generator is being transformed into a multidimensional field of colors and motion, called The Field. The motions of the field relate to natural processes of creation and destruction. The field is like a fluid, solid and gas-like structure at the same time. It goes from a noisy formless state to a solid material state and back.

The field is created in a few steps. First a 2d noise pattern is being created from The Generator. This 2d pattern is made by picking random points from the 64x64 matrix. This is the fundamental background of the Field.

The second step is to use this pattern to set the field in motion. By using the color data per pixel, movement is being initiated. The colors are in that sense multifunctional, on one hand it visualizes random colors extracted from The Generator on the other hand the colors are used to set the field in motion and showing the interrelationship between the colors in an extra dimension: time. This creates the 3D effects, but also creates the effect of lighting bouncing in the field.


The creation of the field felt for me like a form of regression. Reviewing the concepts of my previous work, thinking about what overlapped in terms of topics conceptually and design wise drew me back in time.

The main topic of this work represents is the cyclical nature of creation and destruction. By revisiting my old works and literally destroying them, this new work was created. In this way the work reflects on the causal relation between creation and destruction (what's created will someday be destroyed, something has to be created to be destroyed). A universal essence of our causal reality behind all that is, a balance between forces, from light to dark, from warm to cold, from dry to wet, from finite to infinite.

This theme of creation and destruction is visible quite literally in The Field. Every mint of The field has a unique position in the field with color filtering added on top. The locations in the field are composed of either creational vortices (expanding spirals) and destructional vortices(contracting spirals), a combination of the two in a balanced state (order) or a combination of the two in an unbalanced state (chaos).

The positions and coloring are a combination of hand-picked settings by me and totally random settings generated by the hash input from the token.

  • By pressing the buttons a,s,w,d you can move through the field.
  • By pressing L you can activate LavaMode.
  • By scrolling you can zoom in and out.



4 Jan 2023




Best experienced fullscreen livemode, in a Chrome or a modern browser with Hardware Acceleration enabled. Rendering on Mobile may appear different.


369 works released on 4 Jan 2023


25% of profits above resting price will be donated to Ademruimte foundation to distribute to individual artists and studio's working on projects related to healthcare, holism and science.






NFT License 2.0




Lives and works in Netherlands

Beervangeer is an interactive media artist, working in the field of biofeedback art. He moves between experimental art projects and the world of applied art integration in healthcare. By use of biofeedback and physiological data he creates modern day rituals, in which generative art is used to gain insight in the human unconsciousness. ...

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