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Rank #262
Player Max Speed: 152
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Speciality Background: false
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Web Safe Backgrounds: false
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Trails: false
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Desaturate Amount: 18
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Material Type: 2
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Color Algo: 4
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Crush Walls: false
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Add Hard Map Types: false
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Distance Between Powerups: 1819
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Map Block Length: 5
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Map Length: 9964
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Special Map Types: false
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Map Resolution: 8
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Singular Map Type: false
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Player Sideways Speed: 19
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Darken Scheme: false
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Darken Amount: 8
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Map Difficulty: Easy Medium Hard
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Sequencer Grid Size: 16
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Player Jump Height: 108
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Mono Scheme: false
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BPM: 127
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Background Color Hue: 82
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Skew Amount: 18
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Background Color Saturation: 85
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Colour Scheme: 0
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Reduce Colors: false
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Synth 2: triangle
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Synth 1: triangle
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Honor Original Blocks: false
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Player Nitro Fuel Burn: 15
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Player Parts: 8
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Super Fog: false
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Speciality Rotations: false
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Scale: B Major
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Skew Scheme: true
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Crush Wall Type: sides
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Player Nitro Acceleration Multiplier: 35
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Map Block Shape: Box
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Metal Materials: false
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Desaturate Scheme: false
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Background Color Lightness: 55
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Player Acceleration: 16
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Mono Background: false
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Transparent Material: false
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Player Nitro Max Speed Multiplier: 42
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Star Field: false
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🔈 Click anywhere to start the soundtrack 🔈
Race Condition is a racing game where you're flying through space at rapid speeds and see colors and shapes swoosh by.
The game-objective is straightforward: you accelerate and try and stay on the road, if you miss a jump or a turn, you crash! The script determines the properties of your spaceship, acceleration, handling and max speed, as well as the map layout, including difficulty, color composition, and available power ups.
Once the series has been fully minted, a highscore of all the mints will be created on The winners in each category will be awarded an additional Race Condition Winner NFT. The categories include but are not limited to fastest spaceship, most difficult level, easiest level, worst acceleration, and worst max speed.
In Race Condition, the winners are not determined by your driving skills, but by something outside of your control, the properties and features of your mint. Is your level more difficult than the others? Is your spaceship faster? Whether you are a winner in one of the categories is not really up to you, so enjoy the ride and race without pressure!
The Controls ⬆️ or W to accelerate ⬇️ or S to decelerate (and cancel Nitro) ⬅️ or A to drive left ➡️ or D to drive right Space to jump N to activate Nitro M or ⬇️ S to stop Nitro ESC to open settings
Shortly after loading, the spaceship will start to race the map by itself in self-driving mode, where it can't crash. As soon as you press a key on your keyboard, it switches to driving mode.
The Levels Race Condition has 21 different map generating algorithms, each with their own set of challenges and difficulty rating. The algorithms take into account the playability in combination with the difficulty and try to strike a good balance between the two. Each mint gets a difficulty rating and that determines which map pool is used for the creation of the level. The easy ones requires next to zero effort whereas the hard ones require a lot of skill in driving. The Easy Medium Hard means that it can select map algorithms from the complete pool.
The Music The music is generated by first selecting a scale from a set of 14 predefined ones, combined with two oscillators / synth configurations, and spread across an imaginary step-sequencer, where the hash determines which steps should be activated or not, how long the sequencer should be, what BPM it should be, and when it step into the next phase of the step-sequencer, which results in some very nice chip-tune repetitive tracks.
Notes On mobile, the spaceship accelerates automatically and you turn left/right by tilting your device. You need to grant permission for this to work, if you decline, the spaceship will drive by itself in self-driving mode.